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Table of Contents
광주 시립 도서관 주제와 관련된 상위 141 이미지
주제 광주 시립 도서관 와 관련된 36 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
City Main Library Gwangju (광주시립도서관) : 행림종합건축사사무소
1 DESCRIPTIONBasis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.In the first phase, we can divide building in to 1 distinct segments. The subterranean segment, arranged aroungd central courtyard (amenities), and overground linearly arranged segment (material use.)Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.Courtyard hall is actually enclosed extension of the courtyard.Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.SUMMARYDESIGN 2021LOCATION Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaUSE EducationAREA 32,000.00㎡G.F.A 12,030.11㎡FLOORS B2/F1J.V ARCVSCLIENT Gwangju Metropolitan CityRENDERINGNEXT#2021, #Education, #광주시, #교육시설, #Design, #도서관 등
- Image source: haenglim.com
- Views: 24712
- Publish date: 23 hours ago
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Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.
Basis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.
Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.
City Main Library Gwangju (광주시립도서관) : 행림종합건축사사무소
1 DESCRIPTIONBasis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.In the first phase, we can divide building in to 1 distinct segments. The subterranean segment, arranged aroungd central courtyard (amenities), and overground linearly arranged segment (material use.)Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.Courtyard hall is actually enclosed extension of the courtyard.Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.SUMMARYDESIGN 2021LOCATION Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaUSE EducationAREA 32,000.00㎡G.F.A 12,030.11㎡FLOORS B2/F1J.V ARCVSCLIENT Gwangju Metropolitan CityRENDERINGNEXT#2021, #Education, #광주시, #교육시설, #Design, #도서관 등
- Image source: haenglim.com
- Views: 33775
- Publish date: 16 hours ago
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- Likes: 5696
- Dislikes: 9
Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.
Basis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.
Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.
광주 대표도서관 국제설계공모, 브라니슬라프 레딕(ARCVS) 당선 – C3KOREA
기사입력 2020-03-11 광주 상무소각장 부지에 조성될 광주 대표도서관의 설계공모 결과가 발표됐다. 혐오시설에서 문화시설로 환골탈태하는 재생 사업의 청사진을 마련한 주인공은 세르비아 출신의 건축가, 브리나슬라프 레딕(ARCVS)으로, 부지 전체를 가로지르며 소각장까지 연결되는 거대한…
- Image source: www.c3korea.net
- Views: 76842
- Publish date: 18 hours ago
- Downloads: 97800
- Likes: 9670
- Dislikes: 7
광주 상무소각장 부지에 조성될 광주 대표도서관의 설계공모 결과가 발표됐다. 혐오시설에서 문화시설로 환골탈태하는 재생 사업의 청사진을 마련한 주인공은 세르비아 출신의 건축가, 브리나슬라프 레딕(ARCVS)으로, 부지 전체를 가로지르며 소각장까지 연결되는 거대한 ‘브릿지형 도서관’을 메인 컨셉으로 한 안을 선보였다. 주변과 조화를 이루는 수평적 랜드마크를 제안한 당선작을 토대로, 옛 소각장 부지는 분쟁과 갈등의 상징이라는 오명을 벗고 지역사회 화합의 구심점으로 거듭나게 될 전망이다.
이에 따르면 재생사업은 총 2단계로 나누어 진행되는데, 그중 1단계가 바로 광주 대표도서관 건립이다. 연면적 11,000㎡에 지하 1층, 지상 4층 규모의 교육·문화 시설로, 국비와 시비, 총 392억 원이 투입되는 프로젝트다. 독특한 장소성을 비롯하여 개발과 재생, 문화와 지식, 행정과 시민참여 등의 가치들이 녹아있는 프로젝트인 만큼 시는 그 의미를 담아낼 최적의 안을 선정하기 위해 지난해 11월 국제설계공모를 개최했다.
민현식(심사위원장, 기오헌), 김성홍(서울시립대학교), 최문규(연세대학교), 오세규(전남대학교), 최경양(한샘건축사사무소), 토마스 보니에르(Thomas Vonier, UIA 회장), 로버트 그린우드(Robert GreenWood, 스노헤타 대표), 국내·외 총 7명의 저명한 건축가들이 심사를 맡아, 당선작과 2, 3등, 9개의 우수작까지, 총 13개의 최종 수상작을 선정했다.
City Main Library Gwangju (광주시립도서관) : 행림종합건축사사무소
1 DESCRIPTIONBasis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.In the first phase, we can divide building in to 1 distinct segments. The subterranean segment, arranged aroungd central courtyard (amenities), and overground linearly arranged segment (material use.)Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.Courtyard hall is actually enclosed extension of the courtyard.Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.SUMMARYDESIGN 2021LOCATION Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaUSE EducationAREA 32,000.00㎡G.F.A 12,030.11㎡FLOORS B2/F1J.V ARCVSCLIENT Gwangju Metropolitan CityRENDERINGNEXT#2021, #Education, #광주시, #교육시설, #Design, #도서관 등
- Image source: haenglim.com
- Views: 2368
- Publish date: 8 minute ago
- Downloads: 90324
- Likes: 8771
- Dislikes: 4
Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.
Basis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.
Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.
[광주시 도서관] 📚광주시립중앙도서관 방문 전 알고 이용하세요! : 네이버 블로그
광주시립중앙도서관 운영시간&이용안내 광주시 SNS 서포터즈 조단비입니다. 많은 사람들이 이용 중…
- Image source: m.blog.naver.com
- Views: 22159
- Publish date: 5 minute ago
- Downloads: 31196
- Likes: 9330
- Dislikes: 4
이용안내 HOME 이용안내 도서관 이용시간 도서관 이용시간 공공도서관 공공작은도서관 사립작은도서관 공공도서관 ※ 현재 코로나 19 확산으로 도서관을 단축운영 중입니다 . 자세한 운영시간은 메인화면 팝업&배너 이용시간을 참고하여 주시기바랍니다 . 구분 중앙·곤지암·능평·양벌도서관 (월요일 휴관) 오포·초월도서관 (금요일 휴관) 열람실 평일 : 09:00 ~ 22:00 주말 : 09:00 ~ 18:00 평일 : 09:00 ~ 22:00 주말 : 09:00 ~ 18:00 문헌자료실 평일 : 09:00 ~ 22:00 주말 : 09:00 ~…
이용안내 HOME 이용안내 자료실 및 열람실 이용 중앙도서관 중앙도서관 중앙도서관 오포도서관 초월도서관 곤지암도서관 능평도서관 문헌,어린이자료실 전자정보실 열람실 자료실 (어린이실 및 문헌자료실) 위 치 : 1층, 2층 이용대상 : 누구나 이용가능. 서비스내용 : 관내 열람 및 대출, 예약도서서비스, 상호대차서비스 등 비치자료 : 일반, 어린이도서, 원서, 참고도서, 정기간행물, 신문, 큰 글자, 추천도서, 권장도서, 수상도서 등 도서이용 : 도서검색시스템 → 원하는 자료 비치 유무 → 해당청구기호 확인 후 서가에서 찾아서…
‘AI가 골라주는 책 읽어볼까’…광주시립도서관, AI 도서 추천 서비스 운영 < 지역뉴스 < Local < 기사본문 - AI타임스
코로나19 확산세가 좀처럼 꺾이지 않고 있는 가운데 광주광역시립무등도서관은 15일부터 ‘인공지능(AI) 비대면 도서 추천 서비스’를 운영한다고 밝혔다. 도서관 1층 로비에 설치된 키오스크 앞에 서서 연령과 성별·직업·관심사·심리상태 등을 입력하면, AI가 빅데이터 분석을 통해 개인 맞춤형으로 도서를 추천해준다. 해당 서비스는 추천 도서에 관한 간략한 내용과 평점, 도서 대출 가능 여부 등의 정보와 함께 추천 도서를 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 도서관 내 위치 정보도 제공한다. 백호승 시립도서관장은 "코로나19로 비대면 서비스를 더욱 확대하기
- Image source: www.aitimes.com
- Views: 49816
- Publish date: 22 hours ago
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한편 광주시 서구 상록도서관은 지난 2020년 빅데이터 기반 AI 도서 추천 키오스크 ‘플라이북 스크린’을 앞서 도입한 바 있다. 특히 코로나19 장기화로 인해 도서관이 휴관되거나 단축 운영되면서 서구 통합도서관 홈페이지를 통한 온라인 AI 도서 추천 서비스도 시민들에게 큰 호응을 얻었다. 서구청 관계자에 따르면 AI 도서 추천 시스템이 도입된 지난 2020년에는 약 1,600명이 키오스크와 홈페이지를 통해 해당 서비스를 이용한 것으로 나타났다.
해당 서비스는 추천 도서에 관한 간략한 내용과 평점, 도서 대출 가능 여부 등의 정보와 함께 추천 도서를 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 도서관 내 위치 정보도 제공한다. 백호승 시립도서관장은 “코로나19로 비대면 서비스를 더욱 확대하기 위해 인공지능을 활용한 도서 추천 서비스를 제공한다”며 “앞으로도 다양한 스마트 도서관 서비스를 위해 더욱 노력하겠다”고 말했다.
코로나19 확산세가 좀처럼 꺾이지 않고 있는 가운데 광주광역시립무등도서관은 15일부터 ‘인공지능(AI) 비대면 도서 추천 서비스’를 운영한다고 밝혔다. 도서관 1층 로비에 설치된 키오스크 앞에 서서 연령과 성별·직업·관심사·심리상태 등을 입력하면, AI가 빅데이터 분석을 통해 개인 맞춤형으로 도서를 추천해준다.
City Main Library Gwangju (광주시립도서관) : 행림종합건축사사무소
1 DESCRIPTIONBasis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.In the first phase, we can divide building in to 1 distinct segments. The subterranean segment, arranged aroungd central courtyard (amenities), and overground linearly arranged segment (material use.)Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.Courtyard hall is actually enclosed extension of the courtyard.Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.SUMMARYDESIGN 2021LOCATION Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaUSE EducationAREA 32,000.00㎡G.F.A 12,030.11㎡FLOORS B2/F1J.V ARCVSCLIENT Gwangju Metropolitan CityRENDERINGNEXT#2021, #Education, #광주시, #교육시설, #Design, #도서관 등
- Image source: haenglim.com
- Views: 104123
- Publish date: 17 hours ago
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Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.
Basis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.
Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.
경기광주시립도서관 어린이열람실
어린이 열람실이어서 그런지 책꽂이 높이가 낮다. 높이 150cm 정도? 아이랑 같이 도서관에 가서 책 읽는 것이 좋을 거 같다. 경기광주 시립도서관 위치 경기 광주시 문화로 82 경기 광주시 경안동 161-24 경기광주중앙도서관 전화번호 : 031-760-5678 팩스 : 031-760-1435 도서관 책 검색하는 컴퓨터로 자료위치 안내종이를 뽑았는데 청구기호가 아 로 시작한다. 문헌자료실은 아 없이 숫자로 바로 시작하고, 어린이자료실은 아 가 앞에 붙는다. 문헌자료실은 책 대출/반납 기기에서 소리 안나는데 어린이열람실의 기기는 소리가 난다. 책을 올려놓으면 자동으로 인식해서 단계를 안내한다.
- Image source: youmox111.tistory.com
- Views: 51394
- Publish date: 20 minute ago
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신선, 일반센터 모두 가본 쿠팡 알바 난이도 후기 (장단점) 장점 : 인간 관계 스트레스 안 받는다.
신선, 일반센터 모두 가본 쿠팡 알바 난이도 후기 (장단점) 장점 : 인간 관계 스트레스 안 받는다.
쿠팡 알바 일용직 일급 급여 총정리 표 세전 세후 금액 차액 세금 (주휴수당 공휴일 인센티브)
광주시립도서관, 상반기 ‘북스타트’ 운영
광주시립도서관이 어린이들의 평생 독서습관 기르기를 위한 ‘북스타트’ 사업을 오는 18일부터 시작합니다….
- Image source: news.kbs.co.kr
- Views: 59771
- Publish date: 32 minute ago
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KBS뉴스 인터넷 서비스 / 서울특별시 마포구 매봉산로 45 KBS미디어센터 / 시청자상담실 02-781-1000 / 등록번호 서울 자00297 (2010년 6월 23일)
시립도서관은 이에 따라 출생부터 8세 이하까지 성장 단계에 맞는 책 꾸러미를 무상으로 배부하고, 책 놀이와 부모 교육 등 각종 프로그램을 제공합니다.
시립도서관은 이에 따라 출생부터 8세 이하까지 성장 단계에 맞는 책 꾸러미를 무상으로 배부하고, 책 놀이와 부모 교육 등 각종 프로그램을 제공합니다.
광주시 시립도서관의 편의시설을 소개합니다! : 네이버 블로그
안녕하세요. 광주시 SNS 서포터즈 최미영입니다. 오늘은 광주시 시립도서관의 편의시설을 소개해 드릴게…
- Image source: m.blog.naver.com
- Views: 49387
- Publish date: 20 minute ago
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요즘처럼 바람 살살 불 때 테라스에서 책을 읽으면 더 잘 읽힌다지요?
마지막 주문은 7시가 마지막이고, 마감은 8시라고 하니 참고하세요.
광주 대표도서관 국제설계공모, 브라니슬라프 레딕(ARCVS) 당선 – C3KOREA
기사입력 2020-03-11 광주 상무소각장 부지에 조성될 광주 대표도서관의 설계공모 결과가 발표됐다. 혐오시설에서 문화시설로 환골탈태하는 재생 사업의 청사진을 마련한 주인공은 세르비아 출신의 건축가, 브리나슬라프 레딕(ARCVS)으로, 부지 전체를 가로지르며 소각장까지 연결되는 거대한…
- Image source: www.c3korea.net
- Views: 58418
- Publish date: 21 hours ago
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광주 상무소각장 부지에 조성될 광주 대표도서관의 설계공모 결과가 발표됐다. 혐오시설에서 문화시설로 환골탈태하는 재생 사업의 청사진을 마련한 주인공은 세르비아 출신의 건축가, 브리나슬라프 레딕(ARCVS)으로, 부지 전체를 가로지르며 소각장까지 연결되는 거대한 ‘브릿지형 도서관’을 메인 컨셉으로 한 안을 선보였다. 주변과 조화를 이루는 수평적 랜드마크를 제안한 당선작을 토대로, 옛 소각장 부지는 분쟁과 갈등의 상징이라는 오명을 벗고 지역사회 화합의 구심점으로 거듭나게 될 전망이다.
이에 따르면 재생사업은 총 2단계로 나누어 진행되는데, 그중 1단계가 바로 광주 대표도서관 건립이다. 연면적 11,000㎡에 지하 1층, 지상 4층 규모의 교육·문화 시설로, 국비와 시비, 총 392억 원이 투입되는 프로젝트다. 독특한 장소성을 비롯하여 개발과 재생, 문화와 지식, 행정과 시민참여 등의 가치들이 녹아있는 프로젝트인 만큼 시는 그 의미를 담아낼 최적의 안을 선정하기 위해 지난해 11월 국제설계공모를 개최했다.
민현식(심사위원장, 기오헌), 김성홍(서울시립대학교), 최문규(연세대학교), 오세규(전남대학교), 최경양(한샘건축사사무소), 토마스 보니에르(Thomas Vonier, UIA 회장), 로버트 그린우드(Robert GreenWood, 스노헤타 대표), 국내·외 총 7명의 저명한 건축가들이 심사를 맡아, 당선작과 2, 3등, 9개의 우수작까지, 총 13개의 최종 수상작을 선정했다.
광주시립도서관, 제47회 도서관 주간 기념 4월 문화행사 < 포토 < 기획 < 기사본문 - 경인종합일보
- Image source: www.jonghapnews.com
- Views: 81210
- Publish date: 19 minute ago
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시립도서관에서는 9일에는 어린이를 위한 전래동화 뮤지컬 ‘깨비숲 소리통’, 15일에는 이병률 시인과 함께하는 시낭송 음악회, 22일에는 ‘아이는 사춘기, 엄마는 성장기’의 저자 이윤정 작가를 초청, ‘사춘기 내 아이와 마음이 통하는 비폭력 대화’라는 주제로 강연을 한다. 또한, 20일과 27일에는 상명대 박석교수의 ‘아름다운 삶을 위한 바라보기 명상’ 강연이 개최된다.
이외에도 책갈피 및 우수권장도서 목록 배부, 포토존, 가족체험행사, 유아 및 어린이를 위한 인형극, 그림책 원화전시 등도 운영될 예정으로, 행사에 대한 자세한 사항은 시립도서관 홈페이지(
한편, 실촌 ㆍ 오포도서관에서는 정교한 기술성과 감각적인 예술성이 아름답게 조화된 목각인형 콘서트(마리오네트)가 10일과 17일에 각각 개최된다.
City Main Library Gwangju (광주시립도서관) : 행림종합건축사사무소
1 DESCRIPTIONBasis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.In the first phase, we can divide building in to 1 distinct segments. The subterranean segment, arranged aroungd central courtyard (amenities), and overground linearly arranged segment (material use.)Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.Courtyard hall is actually enclosed extension of the courtyard.Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.SUMMARYDESIGN 2021LOCATION Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaUSE EducationAREA 32,000.00㎡G.F.A 12,030.11㎡FLOORS B2/F1J.V ARCVSCLIENT Gwangju Metropolitan CityRENDERINGNEXT#2021, #Education, #광주시, #교육시설, #Design, #도서관 등
- Image source: haenglim.com
- Views: 92131
- Publish date: 4 minute ago
- Downloads: 42918
- Likes: 1411
- Dislikes: 5
Overground segment with a complete material use and entrance hall is organized along the slope, 192m long, and 20m wide. Slope is divided into 8 identical 490㎡ cascaded platforms. Difference in height between platforms is 150cm. First platform on the ground level is assigned to the entrance hall. From here, visitors are directed to the material use on the 7 other platforms, and other programs on level -6.00m. Children space in located on the second and the third platform, multimedia is on the fourth and the fifth and general material use is on the remaining 3. The final platform is on level 10,50m. In the second phase, additional 4 platforms are planned, penetrating incinerator and integrating its constructive system. Structural frame is visibly integrated in the design concept of the building. Truss height is 1 Om, and usable height in the platforms is around 9m. Funicular at north facade is intended for book distribution as well as travel of disabled people.
Basis for this project is international competition for central library in Gwangju city, announced in November 2019. The 32,000㎡ site is centered around a decommissioned incinerator. The structure including the chimney is 80m high. Preservation and activation of this structure is planned according to competition guidelines. Subject of the first phase of development of the whole area is a location west of the incinerator, with an area of 19,000㎡ . Competition guideline envisioned construction of the library (total floor area of 11,000㎡ ), with a possibility of extension. Extending the floor area of the library implies development of the other secondary programs.
Summers and springs in Gwangju are rainy. Ordinary courtyard is by itself a valuable urban element. Competition idea about large, semi covered courtyard, is during design process fulfilled all expectations. It undoubtedly enriches and humanizes supporting programs of the library (education, administrative offices, cafe, fitness … ). However, main predisposition of the courtyard is the fact that it stimulates socialization and enriches friendly mentality of the whole district, both during the day and the night.
경기도 광주 시립 중앙 도서관 : 네이버 블로그
오늘은 경기도 광주에 있는 중앙도서관을 가봤습니다 ¨̮ 경기 광주 시립 중앙 도서관 가는 버스 경기광주…
- Image source: m.blog.naver.com
- Views: 60301
- Publish date: 20 hours ago
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오늘은 경기도 광주에 있는 중앙도서관을 가봤습니다 ¨̮
버스정류장에서 내리면 바로 코앞에 위치한 도서관인데요.
비디오 광주 시립 도서관 김어진쇼 #117 광주시립도서관증 만들기 Part 1
- Source: Youtube
- Views: 44046
- Date: 8 minute ago
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주제에 대한 관련 정보 광주 시립 도서관
Bing에서 광주 시립 도서관 주제에 대한 최신 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.
광주광역시 공공도서관
광주 북구 도서관
시립도서관 홈페이지
광주 산수도서관
주제에 대한 기사 보기를 마쳤습니다 광주 시립 도서관. 이 기사가 유용했다면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.
광주광역시 공공도서관
광주 북구 도서관
시립도서관 홈페이지
광주 산수도서관