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재기드 얼라이언스 3

재기드 얼라이언스 레이지

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 install

재기 드 얼라이언스 능력치

백인 액션


한국 차세대 소총


주제에 대한 기사를 찾고 있습니까 “재기 드 얼라이언스 2“? 웹사이트에서 이 주제에 대한 전체 정보를 제공합니다 c2.castu.org 탐색에서: 292 사진을 다운로드할 수 있는 최고의 웹사이트. 바로 아래에서 이 주제에 대한 자세한 답변을 찾을 수 있습니다. 찾고 있는 주제를 더 잘 이해하려면 끝까지 읽으십시오.

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재기 드 얼라이언스 2 주제와 관련된 상위 50 이미지

주제 재기 드 얼라이언스 2 와 관련된 29 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

Modder Superior: another tour for Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun

Jagged Alliance 2 is still one of the best turn-based squad tactics games around, its own sequels falling short of its …

  • Image source: www.rockpapershotgun.com
  • Views: 69102
  • Publish date: 12 hours ago
  • Downloads: 82796
  • Likes: 6896
  • Dislikes: 3
Modder Superior: Another Tour For Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun
Modder Superior: Another Tour For Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun

When it comes to mercs, you get what you pay for. Above is a screenshot of an experiment. On Novice difficulty, I’d hire every merc I could afford, on a one-day contract, with their default equipment. Three full helicopters full of troops, and it was halfway into my third turn of wild firing before anyone landed a hit. If you hire a clown-car full of clowns, all you’ll get is honking, screaming and bleeding the moment a firefight breaks out. A good, scoped rifle in the hands of a skilled shooter makes all the difference. That, or lots of grenades. You’ve only got a small amount of money to start out with, and you’re unlikely to get more than a one-week contract out of halfway decent mercs, until you secure a source of cash like a mine.

is for the people who think that 1.13 doesn’t add nearly enough random tactical equipment to goof around with. Primarily an item expansion, it adds over a thousand new weapons, pieces of gear and random gubbins to the store stock lists and enemy loot tables. You’ll probably have trouble matching ammo and magazines to guns with this installed, but if you like to collect obscure real-world guns in videogames, this is for you. It also increases the scale of many battle maps to allow for more manoeuvring. Installing the mod is just matter of unzipping over an existing 1.13 install. To download it, click Clone Or Download/Download ZIP on

The biggest trap for returning Jagged Alliance 2 players is the notorious Drassen Counterattack event. Early in the campaign, you’ll be called on to liberate the poorly-guarded town of Drassen. Same as ever, you’ll get a cutscene of a furious Queen Deidranna ordering a counter-attack. Unlike the original game, she actually does it. You’ll probably be driven out, or cut down if you try to hold the line. Using the INI Editor tool outside of the game, you can disable this if you like – it’s in ‘Strategic Event Settings’. While you’re at it, you can tweak and tune just about every aspect of the mod.

Jagged Alliance 2 for Mac OS X — Control Command Escape

A classic turn-based tactical strategy game where you recruit and deploy a squad of mercenaries in order to overthrow a ruthless dictator.

  • Image source: www.controlcommandescape.com
  • Views: 88663
  • Publish date: 8 minute ago
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Jagged Alliance 2 For Mac Os X — Control Command Escape
Jagged Alliance 2 For Mac Os X — Control Command Escape

OS X 10.7.0 or later.Processor: 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory: 1 GB Graphics: 256 MB of video RAM Hard drive space: 1.2 GB Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled.

, which adds a lot of bugfixes, support for higher resolutions, improvements to inventory management, and new features such as extra difficulty settings and weather effects.

You can repeat this process with any patches the mod might have. Double-clicking the Jagged Alliance 2 application will now start it with the 1.13 mod.

Steam 커뮤니티 :: Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

  • Image source: steamcommunity.com
  • Views: 43415
  • Publish date: 2 hours ago
  • Downloads: 58945
  • Likes: 5569
  • Dislikes: 4
Steam 커뮤니티 :: Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire
Steam 커뮤니티 :: Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

(This is copied from another post I made in Events & Announcements sub-forum here, as a courtesy so that more players can see it. Moderators are welcome to remove the other one in Events & Announcements if they wish, but I’d suggest this be left up to quickly assist regular players interested in playing the Classic DLC versus Wildfire. Thanks.)

Even if the regime is totally inept and corrupt, don’t suppose for a moment that you as the liberator will be greeted with open arms.JAGGED ALLIANCE 2: WILDFIRE brings you back to Arulco. The population is being terrorized by a reckless army; in the meantime the main export goods are drugs.

Если у вас не запускается игра то вам надо зайти по этому адресу \Steam\SteamApps\common\ja2_wildfire\install запустить фаил “wf.bat”. Если после этого игра не запустилась (в моем случае был тупо черный экран) то вам надо зайти по этому адресу \Steam\Steam

Help me with day time fights :: Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack Discussioni generali

(JA 1.13) So I’m over the half way point, playing experienced level, just took Cambria and 2 SAM sites at once. The game really started kicking my butt, Cambria is a real warzone. Anyway my problem is during the night time I seem to do fine, especially with the better night vision googles and working the stealth. However, now that I’m half way through and have 2 decent merc units in some really good gear (aim point G3s, HK11, EBRs, etc) fully kitted with scopes, bipods.

  • Image source: steamcommunity.com
  • Views: 64299
  • Publish date: 46 minute ago
  • Downloads: 34036
  • Likes: 9209
  • Dislikes: 9
Help Me With Day Time Fights :: Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack Discussioni  Generali
Help Me With Day Time Fights :: Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack Discussioni Generali

Anyway my problem is during the night time I seem to do fine, especially with the better night vision googles and working the stealth. However, now that I’m half way through and have 2 decent merc units in some really good gear (aim point G3s, HK11, EBRs, etc) fully kitted with scopes, bipods. But for some reason I can’t seem to hit anyone in the day time, my mercs are wearing sunnies, but the AI can outshoot me by at least 2-5 squares and their snipers are 100% better than mine.

You have some good tips. I’ll go review my camo setup and check on my sniper weight. I was reading the 1.13 Ham changes and it seems like the aiming problem might be because my mercs arent professional soldiers (EXP lvl 9) and are poor at guessing their hit chances. I tend to pick bottom of the barrel and train them up, but it looks like this is really costing me with 1.13. Having 30 enemy militia on the map with supression isn’t helping either.

I’ve been playing some more, after I secured Cambria I took Alma and Belime over the next couple of nights. Nights are much easier to operate in the AI is really disadvantaged because most don’t use NVG and those that do don’t have NVG 4s. That Balime counter attack was pretty savage, the AI has started using heavier equipment: Mortars, LAW rockets and RPGs.

Images – Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business – Mod DB

Browse Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business images for sweet media. Your eyes will thank you.

  • Image source: www.moddb.com
  • Views: 103943
  • Publish date: 22 hours ago
  • Downloads: 39052
  • Likes: 4148
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Images - Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business - Mod Db
Images – Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business – Mod Db

The smoke is clearing and the bullets have stopped flying. Arulco is free at last, but your job’s not over. An all-powerful corporation is assaulting the tiny country and, once again, you are needed! Gear up – you have got some Unfinished Business to take care of!

This screenshot does not show footage from original JA2:UB. It is obviously taken from a mod based on either JA2, JA2:UB or JA2:WF.

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cRPG Blog: Jagged Alliance 2: DRASSEN: Skyrider, SAM site (Part III)

  • Image source: lilura1.blogspot.com
  • Views: 80356
  • Publish date: 22 hours ago
  • Downloads: 34564
  • Likes: 1047
  • Dislikes: 10
Crpg Blog: Jagged Alliance 2: Drassen: Skyrider, Sam Site (Part Iii)
Crpg Blog: Jagged Alliance 2: Drassen: Skyrider, Sam Site (Part Iii)

). Now, you might notice that you can have two teachers per sector, which means a total of six training militia in Drassen simultaneously; however, in my experience that is not necessary. You see, Ira and Buns both have a low Leadership score (14, 24) BUT they both have a high Wisdom (83, 93). That means Leadership will go up quickly. That means these two are going to become elite militia trainers and end up getting militia up to speed very quickly as the campaign wears on. For me, it’s just a preference of quality over quantity. I’d rather have a few good teachers over several average ones. It’s also cheaper in the long run. So, the plan is to have Ira and Buns train militia as the rest of the squad seeks out Skyrider’s location and prepares to take the SAM site subsequently revealed to us by him. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

We arrive deep into the night and position ourselves in the western woods. For shits n gigs I decide to try to take the SAM site solo; i.e, just with my I.M.P. This is made possible with the G-41. Under cover of stealth I make my way east and then north towards the command & control building, flanking the rooftop sniper who is the biggest threat in the sector (he wields a Mini-14). With him popped in the back of the head the aggro holed up inside the building goes on alert and charges out to see what’s going on. Utilizing the cover of hedgehogs my I.M.P. takes them out with a combo of interrupts and normal turns. After that, the trio guarding the SAMs were EZ pickings. Nine men ate lead, all told. This is on

With the sector cleared I have Barry go around picking the locks in all the buildings. It’s worth noting here that, with a few exceptions, as long as the loot has been spotted by one of your mercs in the game-world, it does not need to be manually picked up from corpses, receptacles etc. Instead, you can just go into Map View, right-click on the sector, and loot whatever you like from its inventory when you are done exploring. How convenient is that? Note also that loot does not decay if left in the game-world. We can always come back and pick it up later so there is no point burdening ourselves when we still have two sectors to take.

[GAMES] Jagged Alliance 2 (Stracciatella) – ODROID

  • Image source: forum.odroid.com
  • Views: 80845
  • Publish date: 13 minute ago
  • Downloads: 59698
  • Likes: 4587
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Games] Jagged Alliance 2 (Stracciatella) - Odroid
Games] Jagged Alliance 2 (Stracciatella) – Odroid

The game comes with a small launcher script from me which allows to select resolution (if your ODROID supports this) as well as selecting which game data you’re using

The game comes with a small launcher script from me which allows to select resolution (if your ODROID supports this) as well as selecting which game data you’re using

X2, U2, U3, XU-Lite, XU3, XU3-Lite, C1, XU4, C2, C1+, XU4Q, HC1, N1, Go, H2 (N4100), N2, H2 (J4105), GoA, C4, GoA v1.1, H2+, HC4, GoS

Modder Superior: another tour for Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun

Jagged Alliance 2 is still one of the best turn-based squad tactics games around, its own sequels falling short of its …

  • Image source: www.rockpapershotgun.com
  • Views: 65689
  • Publish date: 46 minute ago
  • Downloads: 34730
  • Likes: 1251
  • Dislikes: 6
Modder Superior: Another Tour For Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun
Modder Superior: Another Tour For Jagged Alliance 2 | Rock Paper Shotgun

When it comes to mercs, you get what you pay for. Above is a screenshot of an experiment. On Novice difficulty, I’d hire every merc I could afford, on a one-day contract, with their default equipment. Three full helicopters full of troops, and it was halfway into my third turn of wild firing before anyone landed a hit. If you hire a clown-car full of clowns, all you’ll get is honking, screaming and bleeding the moment a firefight breaks out. A good, scoped rifle in the hands of a skilled shooter makes all the difference. That, or lots of grenades. You’ve only got a small amount of money to start out with, and you’re unlikely to get more than a one-week contract out of halfway decent mercs, until you secure a source of cash like a mine.

is for the people who think that 1.13 doesn’t add nearly enough random tactical equipment to goof around with. Primarily an item expansion, it adds over a thousand new weapons, pieces of gear and random gubbins to the store stock lists and enemy loot tables. You’ll probably have trouble matching ammo and magazines to guns with this installed, but if you like to collect obscure real-world guns in videogames, this is for you. It also increases the scale of many battle maps to allow for more manoeuvring. Installing the mod is just matter of unzipping over an existing 1.13 install. To download it, click Clone Or Download/Download ZIP on

The biggest trap for returning Jagged Alliance 2 players is the notorious Drassen Counterattack event. Early in the campaign, you’ll be called on to liberate the poorly-guarded town of Drassen. Same as ever, you’ll get a cutscene of a furious Queen Deidranna ordering a counter-attack. Unlike the original game, she actually does it. You’ll probably be driven out, or cut down if you try to hold the line. Using the INI Editor tool outside of the game, you can disable this if you like – it’s in ‘Strategic Event Settings’. While you’re at it, you can tweak and tune just about every aspect of the mod.

Steam Community :: Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

  • Image source: steamcommunity.com
  • Views: 53270
  • Publish date: 24 hours ago
  • Downloads: 76376
  • Likes: 2705
  • Dislikes: 1
Steam Community :: Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire
Steam Community :: Jagged Alliance 2 – Wildfire

(This is copied from another post I made in Events & Announcements sub-forum here, as a courtesy so that more players can see it. Moderators are welcome to remove the other one in Events & Announcements if they wish, but I’d suggest this be left up to quickly assist regular players interested in playing the Classic DLC versus Wildfire. Thanks.)

Even if the regime is totally inept and corrupt, don’t suppose for a moment that you as the liberator will be greeted with open arms.JAGGED ALLIANCE 2: WILDFIRE brings you back to Arulco. The population is being terrorized by a reckless army; in the meantime the main export goods are drugs.

Если у вас не запускается игра то вам надо зайти по этому адресу \Steam\SteamApps\common\ja2_wildfire\install запустить фаил “wf.bat”. Если после этого игра не запустилась (в моем случае был тупо черный экран) то вам надо зайти по этому адресу \Steam\Steam

비디오 재기 드 얼라이언스 2 Jagged Alliance 3 | Showcase Trailer 2022

  • Source: Youtube
  • Views: 70184
  • Date: 8 hours ago
  • Download: 63752
  • Likes: 5924
  • Dislikes: 8

주제에 대한 관련 정보 재기 드 얼라이언스 2

Bing에서 재기 드 얼라이언스 2 주제에 대한 최신 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.

재기드 얼라이언스 3

재기드 얼라이언스 레이지

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 install

재기 드 얼라이언스 능력치

백인 액션


한국 차세대 소총


주제에 대한 기사 보기를 마쳤습니다 재기 드 얼라이언스 2. 이 기사가 유용했다면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.

재기드 얼라이언스 3

재기드 얼라이언스 레이지

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 install

재기 드 얼라이언스 능력치

백인 액션


한국 차세대 소총


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