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코나 n 라인 주제와 관련된 상위 53 이미지
주제 코나 n 라인 와 관련된 18 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
드디어 공개된 더 뉴 코나 · N 라인, 어디가 얼마나 달라졌나? : 네이버 포스트
[BY VIEW H] ① 기존 코나의 역동적인 실루엣을 더욱 날렵하게 다듬은 디자인 ② 스포티한 주행 감성과 미…
- Image source: m.post.naver.com
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Hyundai KONA N Line |
Hyundai Motor Europe
The KONA N Line makes a statement with its sporty front and rear, body colour claddings, and exclusive two-tone 18” alloy wheels.
- Image source: www.hyundai.com
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- Publish date: 5 hours ago
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With its performance-inspired interior and bold exterior design enhancements, the i20 N Line is a statement of dynamic sportiness that doesn’t compromise on safety or efficiency.
The i10 N Line lets you take it to the next level with a range of exclusive design features and an optional 100 PS engine for an even sportier driving experience.
The N Line gearshift features sporty metal accents, the N logo, a red racing line and leather inserts for better grip and even more motorsport feeling.
현대 더 뉴 코나 N 라인 짧은 시승기
: 네이버 포스트
[BY 오토디자이어] 본 콘텐츠는 현대자동차의 행사 초청을 통해 작성했습니다.새로운 디자인과 신규 트림…
- Image source: m.post.naver.com
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- Publish date: 2 hours ago
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Hyundai KONA N Line |
Hyundai Motor Europe
The KONA N Line makes a statement with its sporty front and rear, body colour claddings, and exclusive two-tone 18” alloy wheels.
- Image source: www.hyundai.com
- Views: 31357
- Publish date: 6 minute ago
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With its performance-inspired interior and bold exterior design enhancements, the i20 N Line is a statement of dynamic sportiness that doesn’t compromise on safety or efficiency.
The i10 N Line lets you take it to the next level with a range of exclusive design features and an optional 100 PS engine for an even sportier driving experience.
The N Line gearshift features sporty metal accents, the N logo, a red racing line and leather inserts for better grip and even more motorsport feeling.
- Image source: auto.danawa.com
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- Publish date: 28 minute ago
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- Image source: www.hankyung.com
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Hyundai Kona N-Line – SUV đô thị với phong cách thể thao – Báo điện tử VnMedia – Tin nóng Việt Nam và thế giới
Hãng xe Hàn Quốc Hyundai mới đây vừa giới thiệu phiên bản thể thao của mẫu xe đô thị gầm cao Hyundai Kona với gói trang bị N-Line tại thị trường Malaysia với vẻ bề ngoài ấn tượng và sức mạnh đã được tinh chỉnh.
- Image source: vnmedia.vn
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- Publish date: 55 minute ago
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Về ngoại hình, Hyundai Kona N-Line có một số tinh chỉnh về lưới tản nhiệt, phần logo được gắn trên lưới tản nhiệt thay vì trên thân xe như bản thường. Các chi tiết vòm bánh xe màu đen xung quanh xe được sơn cùng màu với thân xe, tương tự đó với các chi tiết sơn bạc ở cản trước và cản sau được sơn đen. Phần mâm xe đa chấu thiết kế thể thao có kích thước 18 inch.
Gói Hyundai Smartsense tương tự với mẫu Hyundai SantaFe đang được phân phối tại Việt Nam cũng được trang bị trên xe. Gói này bao gồm hệ thống phanh tự động khẩn cấp, phát hiện người đi bộ, hỗ trợ giữ làn, cảnh báo điểm mù, hỗ trợ tránh va chạm, hỗ trợ phanh tránh phương tiện cắt ngang phía sau, cảnh báo va chạm trước và đèn pha thích ứng.
Sức mạnh của Hyundai Kona N-Line vẫn đến từ động cơ Smartstream G1.6 sản sinh công suất 195 mã lực tại 6.000 vòng/phút, momen xoắn cực đại 265Nm tại 1.8000 – 4.500 vòng/phút. Đi kèm với đó hộp số ly hợp kép 7 cấp và hệ truyền động cầu trước. Hyundai Kona N-Line có khả năng tăng tốc từ 0 – 100km/h trong 7,7 giây.
현대 코나 N – 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
- Image source: ko.wikipedia.org
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더 뉴 코나 N Line은 2020년 10월 15일 부분 변경 모델인 더 뉴 코나를 출시하면서 함께 등장했다. 파워트레인은 새롭게 변경된 감마2 1.6리터 스마트스트림 CVVD 터보 엔진이 탑재되었다. N Line을 위한 별도의 출력 설정 트림은 존재하지 않으며 기본형 모델과 동일하게 파워트레인이 사용되지만 투싼 N Line과는 다르게 1.6리터 터보 엔진 이외의 엔진은 N Line 모델로 선택이 불가능하다. 기존의 1.6리터 터보 모델의 최고출력 177ps에서 198ps로 출력이 증가되었으나 같은 엔진을 사용하는 7세대 아반떼 N Line의 204ps보다는 출력이 낮게 설정되어 있으며 이는 SUV라는 차량의 특성을 고려하여 초,중반의 성능과 토크 발휘 시점을 앞당기는 것에 의해서 발생하는 출력 발휘의 특성으로서 현대자동차에서 같은 엔진을 사용하는 세단과 SUV의 경우 보이는 공통적인 부분이기도 하다.
외관은 N 모델임을 상징하는 N 로고가 부착된 전용 라디에이터 그릴을 제공하고 현대자동차 브랜드에서 유일하게 다크 크롬으로 처리된 엠블럼을 부착했다. 기존 모델 대비 사이즈가 확대된 19인치의 N 전용 퍼포먼스 휠이 제공되며 조합되는 타이어는 기존 벨로스터 N의 퍼포먼스 패키지에 적용되었던 피렐리 P Zero PZ4가 적용되며 SUV의 특성을 고려하여 측면 편평비가 5 상승함과 동시에 코나 N 전용으로 별도로 튜닝된 235/40R19 HN 타이어가 적용된다, 조합되는 휠에 있어서 별도로 선택이 가능한 N 전용 초경량 19인치 단조 휠을 선택하면 기본 장착되는 주조 휠 대비 12kg의 현가하질량 경감이 가능하는 점을 강조하고 있다.
이외에도 SUV라는 특성을 고려하여 N 라이트 스포츠 버킷 시트가 제공되지 않으며 대신 스웨이드 소재가 혼합된 N 프리미엄 시트를 옵션으로 제공하고 있다. 현대자동차 2륜구동 SUV에 적용되는 험로 주행 모드는 N 모델에 맞춰 차량의 출력 및 제동 시스템을 제어하는 N 험로 주행 모드를 탑재하고 있으며 N 모델 중에서 유일하게 능동형 안전장비인 ADAS 기능 중 스마트 크루즈 컨트롤(SCC, Stop & Go는 미지원)를 탑재하는 점에서 다른 N 모델과는 달리 일상 주행에서 편리하게 사용하면서 성능을 추구하는 오너들을 적극적으로 공략하는 모습을 보이고 있다.
New-look Hyundai Kona and Kona N-Line revealed | Practical Motoring
Subtle yet significant, the MY21 Kona facelift elevates Hyundai’s small SUV and brings a hot-looking option. Hyundai has officially revealed the rather heavily facelifted Kona for 2021, including an all-new Kona N-Line model. At the front, the squinty face now looks more cohesive with a shapely new grille completing the
- Image source: practicalmotoring.com.au
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The styling update extends to the Kona Hybrid in overseas markets which is yet to be confirmed for Australia (and with no likely confirmation in sight). We do, however, get the fully-electric Kona which has not been revealed in facelifted form yet. We expect the same significance to its refresh, though the lack of need for radiator and engine cooling means the nose will bring unique looks.
The Kona N-Line specifically gets larger 18-inch black alloy wheels and a bodykit to stand out. An aggressive front bumper has a lower front lip and fins, with a unique grille and requisite N-Line badging at centre, twin exhausts and a rear spoiler. finish the rear. Inside the N-Line are metal pedals and red highlights (pictured above).
Powering the model is Hyundai’s latest 1.6-litre Smartstream petrol turbo that becomes standard across the range. Poucing 145kW it is down by 5kW on the i30 N-Line but is a 15kW bump across the range for the Kona. Power is planted to either the front or four-wheels via a seven-speed dual-clutch automatic. The N-Line is AWD only.
2023 Kona N Line | Trim Details, and More | Hyundai USA
- Image source: www.hyundaiusa.com
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Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) assists the driver by warning of other cars in the blind spot region. It senses the rear side territory of the vehicle when it is traveling over 20 mph. There are limitations to the function, range, detection and clarity of the system. It will not detect all vehicles or objects in the blind spot. Its operation depends on the size, distance, angle and relative speed difference between your car and other cars. BCA may not operate if sensors are obscured in any way. Do not rely exclusively on BCA. BCA is a supplemental system and the driver must still be attentive and exercise caution when driving. It is the driver’s responsibility to be aware of the surroundings and ensure it is clear before changing lanes or directions. See Owner’s Manual for further details and limitations.
Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) assists the driver by warning of other cars in the blind spot region. It senses the rear side territory of the vehicle when it is traveling over 20 mph. There are limitations to the function, range, detection and clarity of the system. It will not detect all vehicles or objects in the blind spot. Its operation depends on the size, distance, angle and relative speed difference between your car and other cars. BCA may not operate if sensors are obscured in any way. Do not rely exclusively on BCA. BCA is a supplemental system and the driver must still be attentive and exercise caution when driving. It is the driver’s responsibility to be aware of the surroundings and ensure it is clear before changing lanes or directions. See Owner’s Manual for further details and limitations.
Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) assists the driver by warning of other cars in the blind spot region. It senses the rear side territory of the vehicle when it is traveling over 20 mph. There are limitations to the function, range, detection and clarity of the system. It will not detect all vehicles or objects in the blind spot. Its operation depends on the size, distance, angle and relative speed difference between your car and other cars. BCA may not operate if sensors are obscured in any way. Do not rely exclusively on BCA. BCA is a supplemental system and the driver must still be attentive and exercise caution when driving. It is the driver’s responsibility to be aware of the surroundings and ensure it is clear before changing lanes or directions. See Owner’s Manual for further details and limitations.
Hyundai KONA N Line |
Hyundai Motor Europe
The KONA N Line makes a statement with its sporty front and rear, body colour claddings, and exclusive two-tone 18” alloy wheels.
- Image source: www.hyundai.com
- Views: 66650
- Publish date: 46 minute ago
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With its performance-inspired interior and bold exterior design enhancements, the i20 N Line is a statement of dynamic sportiness that doesn’t compromise on safety or efficiency.
The i10 N Line lets you take it to the next level with a range of exclusive design features and an optional 100 PS engine for an even sportier driving experience.
The N Line gearshift features sporty metal accents, the N logo, a red racing line and leather inserts for better grip and even more motorsport feeling.
All-new Kona N Line 3 3000 – Hyundai Motor Baltic
All-new Kona N Line 3 3000
- Image source: news.cision.com
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Hyundai Motor Europe HQ is located in Offenbach, Germany and it is responsible for over 40 markets with more than 3,000 outlets, taking a 4.4 % market share in 2021 (ACEA data). 72 % of the vehicles Hyundai sold in the region are models engineered, tested, and built in Europe. There are two factories in the market area, primarily serving European customers: in the Czech Republic and Turkey.
Hyundai Motor continues to enhance its product line-up with localized models and strives to strengthen its leadership in clean technology. In 2021, more than 14 % of Hyundai cars sold in Europe were zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), including the IONIQ 5 and the fully-electric compact SUV KONA Electric. More than 85 % of Hyundai’s line-up in Europe is now available as an electrified version.
Hyundai Motor Group is a global corporation, which includes Hyundai and more affiliates in other industries such as steel, construction, finance, logistics, and IT. The Group has approximately 250,000 employees worldwide.
- Image source: www.thecarconnection.com
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2021 Hyundai Kona N Line Premium review – Drive
Hyundai has topped its refreshed Kona range with a new, dedicated N-Line model. Is there substance beneath its sporty veneer?
- Image source: www.drive.com.au
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- Publish date: 17 hours ago
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It’s also quite prone to general low-speed jerkiness and hesitation, and takes a mindful, careful foot in order to extract the most from it. All dual-clutches feature similar traits, but the Kona’s felt more troubled to unwise inputs than others. On the move, and in regular scenarios, it remains a decent partner to the engine. The spread of seven speeds is handy and makes quick bursts of acceleration simple enough to access. Think motorway on-ramps or the honest mistake of jumping into a lane that closes ahead.
That aside, the graphics and usability of the newer widescreen system are top-shelf. The screensaver setting with ambient background navigation is a lovely touch, as is the full-screen integration of smartphone mirroring systems like Apple CarPlay. Audio is handled by an eight-speaker Harman Kardon stereo with external amplifier. It handled a wide gamut of music well, but lacks punch from its centre, dashboard-mounted speaker. Fixing that issue alone would elevate the audio experience significantly.
Driver and occupant safety on the move are well catered for. Hyundai’s ‘SmartSense’ technology package is fitted as standard, which includes blind-spot monitoring, camera- and radar-based autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian and cyclist detection, lane-keeping assist, rear cross-traffic alert with emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, as just some. The lane-keeping assist function can be intrusive, and did once or twice mistake road repairs for road lines.
- Image source: auto.zum.com
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- Publish date: 12 hours ago
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Preview: 2022 Hyundai Kona N Line arrives as part of updated Kona range
The Kona range has been expanded with a new 195-hp N Line model and will soon also include a dedicated N performance offering, too.
- Image source: www.motorauthority.com
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- Publish date: 45 minute ago
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As for updates for the complete 2022 Kona range, there’s revised front-end styling with a new grille, new daytime running lights, and a front skid plate. For the interior, there’s a new 10.25-inch digital instrument cluster and a 10.25-inch infotainment screen. Buyers will also find numerous electronic driver-assist features including adaptive cruise control with stop-and-go, lane keep assist, forward collision warning with pedestrian and cyclist detection, and blind spot warning that has the ability to apply some of the brakes to prevent the driver from changing lanes if there’s an object present.
The Kona N Line stands apart from regular Konas via unique front and rear fascias, as well as body-colored side moldings (gray on regular Konas). There’s also subtle aero aids, unique 18-inch wheels, and a dual-tip exhaust system. Inside, buyers will find “N” badges, metal pedals, and contrast stitching and piping for the seats.
The base engine in the 2022 Kona range is a 2.0-liter inline-4 generating 147 hp and 132 lb-ft of torque. Buyers also have the choice of a battery-electric powertrain generating 201 hp and 291 lb-ft. This powertrain is found in the Kona Electric whose 64-kilowatt-hour battery is good for an estimated 258 miles of range.
비디오 코나 n 라인 현대 더 뉴 코나 N-라인 시승기, 풀옵션 3,208만원(2021 Hyundai Kona N-Line 4WD First Drive) – 2020.10.15
- Source: Youtube
- Views: 93378
- Date: 20 hours ago
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