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소크라티브 학생용

Socrative Student

소크라티브 사용법

Socrative teacher

소크라티브 시험

Socrative 뜻



주제에 대한 기사를 찾고 있습니까 “소 크라 티브“? 웹사이트에서 이 주제에 대한 전체 정보를 제공합니다 c2.castu.org 탐색에서: 292 사진을 다운로드할 수 있는 최고의 웹사이트. 바로 아래에서 이 주제에 대한 자세한 답변을 찾을 수 있습니다. 찾고 있는 주제를 더 잘 이해하려면 끝까지 읽으십시오.

이미지를 휴대폰에 다운로드하려면 이미지를 2초 동안 두 번 클릭한 다음 “이미지 다운로드” 다운로드를 선택하여 이미지를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

컴퓨터에서 이미지를 다운로드하려면 이미지를 클릭한 다음 “다른 이름으로 이미지 저장”을 선택하여 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

소 크라 티브 주제와 관련된 상위 43 이미지

주제 소 크라 티브 와 관련된 40 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

CLASS DESIGN +: 소크라티브 Socrative

  • Image source: bbark31.blogspot.com
  • Views: 8210
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Class Design +: 소크라티브 Socrative
Class Design +: 소크라티브 Socrative




Showbie and Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie

As many of you know, Socrative joined the Showbie family this summer. Since then, we’ve been hearing from lots of teachers who are happily using the two apps side by side in their classroom. While we have plans for more formal product integration in the future, we wanted to give you some ideas on how…

  • Image source: www.showbie.com
  • Views: 2714
  • Publish date: 29 minute ago
  • Downloads: 21668
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Showbie And Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie
Showbie And Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie

Let’s say you are teaching Language Arts (using Showbie, of course!) and want to gauge whether or not students understood what you taught in the previous class. You can create a quick quiz in Socrative, asking a few key questions to assess understanding, then share the Socrative Room Name (the name of the Socrative room in which you created the quiz) in your Language Arts Class Discussion. When your students log into Socrative and enter that Socrative Room Name, they will instantly be granted access to your quiz.

Once the quiz is complete, it’s easy to generate reports in Socrative so you can see which topics students understood, and which topics you need to spend more time reviewing. Again, Class Discussion can be used to drill deeper into topics where students scored lower, and to review individual questions from your Socrative quiz. There are three types of reports that can be generated in Socrative:

If you belong to a Showbie Group whose members might find one of your Socrative quizzes useful for their classes, you can log into Socrative generate a quiz URL and post it into the Showbie Group. When your group members click this URL, voila — the quiz will show up in their list of quizzes, all ready for launching!

Home – Socrative

Review student understanding at the class, individual student, or question-level.

  • Image source: www.socrative.com
  • Views: 28651
  • Publish date: 5 minute ago
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Home - Socrative
Home – Socrative

Immediate feedback is a vital part of the learning process. Socrative gives you just that for the classroom or office – an efficient way to monitor and evaluate learning that saves time for educators while delivering fun and engaging interactions for learners.

Socrative quizzes are easy to create and download. Create your own and use them as many times as you need. Since they are graded automatically in real time, you’ll spend less time grading assignments and more time catering to the needs of your group.

From quizzes to polls, create whatever type of activity suits your needs. Shuffle questions, run your activity anonymously, provide instant feedback…it’s up to you!

  • Image source: manchoi.gitbooks.io
  • Views: 21609
  • Publish date: 9 hours ago
  • Downloads: 31495
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앱] 소크라티브 2.0 · 스마트 교육방법 (Bit.Ly/Smartro)
앱] 소크라티브 2.0 · 스마트 교육방법 (Bit.Ly/Smartro)

Showbie and Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie

As many of you know, Socrative joined the Showbie family this summer. Since then, we’ve been hearing from lots of teachers who are happily using the two apps side by side in their classroom. While we have plans for more formal product integration in the future, we wanted to give you some ideas on how…

  • Image source: www.showbie.com
  • Views: 107522
  • Publish date: 4 hours ago
  • Downloads: 68247
  • Likes: 960
  • Dislikes: 9
Showbie And Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie
Showbie And Socrative – Better Together! – Showbie

Let’s say you are teaching Language Arts (using Showbie, of course!) and want to gauge whether or not students understood what you taught in the previous class. You can create a quick quiz in Socrative, asking a few key questions to assess understanding, then share the Socrative Room Name (the name of the Socrative room in which you created the quiz) in your Language Arts Class Discussion. When your students log into Socrative and enter that Socrative Room Name, they will instantly be granted access to your quiz.

Once the quiz is complete, it’s easy to generate reports in Socrative so you can see which topics students understood, and which topics you need to spend more time reviewing. Again, Class Discussion can be used to drill deeper into topics where students scored lower, and to review individual questions from your Socrative quiz. There are three types of reports that can be generated in Socrative:

If you belong to a Showbie Group whose members might find one of your Socrative quizzes useful for their classes, you can log into Socrative generate a quiz URL and post it into the Showbie Group. When your group members click this URL, voila — the quiz will show up in their list of quizzes, all ready for launching!

Socrative Teacher and Socrative Student | Helping Apps for Practitioners and Educators

  • Image source: ubwp.buffalo.edu
  • Views: 38110
  • Publish date: 53 minute ago
  • Downloads: 71122
  • Likes: 4640
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Socrative Teacher And Socrative Student | Helping Apps For Practitioners  And Educators
Socrative Teacher And Socrative Student | Helping Apps For Practitioners And Educators

There are two Socrative apps, one for teachers and one for students.  These apps act in tandem to allow an instructor to quiz or survey students about the content they are covering in their classes.  The Socrative Teacher app allows the instructor to create quizzes, space races, and exit tickets.  When the instructor deploys these activities, students can then complete them on the Socrative Student app.  An instructor creates a room for their class and then either shares the room name or link with students so that they can access the quizzes.

An instructor has the option to create quizzes ahead of time or they can launch quick questions.  These can be either multiple choice, true/false, or short answer.  The instructor can also embed images into the questions.  An instructor also has the option to add in answer explanations, so  students get information on the correct response.  As students answer the quiz questions, the instructor can see their responses in real time.  This allows the instructor to better understand how well the students are absorbing the class content.

Socrative is a great app for doing formative assessments as you are teaching or after class.  The apps could be used in seated or online classes.  An instructor can ask questions about the content that is being covered to make sure that students understand concepts correctly.  This would allow the instructor to identify areas that they may need to revisit or identify gaps in student understanding.  Instructors could also use the quizzes for opinion polls to spark conversation and dialogue about the content.

학생인 시민기자가 묻는다, 당신들은 ‘어른’인가? – 오마이뉴스

  • Image source: www.ohmynews.com
  • Views: 56941
  • Publish date: 5 hours ago
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학생인 시민기자가 묻는다, 당신들은 '어른'인가? - 오마이뉴스 모바일
학생인 시민기자가 묻는다, 당신들은 ‘어른’인가? – 오마이뉴스 모바일

우여곡절 끝에 본 수업에 돌입하자, 강사가 마우스를 잡고 필기에 나섰다. 하지만 위 사진과 같이 마우스로 이루어진 필기는 칠판에 직접 하는 필기보다 지저분해 보일 수밖에 없다. 일부 강사들은 스마트패드와 그것과 호환이 되는 전자 필기구를 이용해 보다 깔끔한 필기를 제공하는 경우도 있지만, 대부분의 강사는 그렇지 못하는 것이 현실이다. 그렇지만 학생들의 빛나는 눈빛이 강사가 더욱 열심히 수업을 할 수 있는 원동력이 되어 주는 듯했다.

이번 코로나19 재확산 사태를 통해 우린 ‘어른’이 무엇인지, ‘어른’이라고 불리는 사람들은 자신이 그리 불릴만한 자격이 있는지 생각해봐야 할 것이다. 방역수칙을 지키지 않은 이번 광화문 집회에 참여한 일부 참가자들과 방역을 방해하는 사랑제일교회 일부 신도들과 관계자들에게 학생이자 시민기자로서 묻고 싶다. 여러분들은 ‘어른’이라고 불릴만한가?

원래는 자동으로 채점해 주는 기능이 있지만, 교사가 입력해놓은 정확한 답이 아니면 오답으로 처리되는 바람에 교사가 일일이 확인하여 내 채점해야 한다. 여기서 ‘정확한 답’이란 띄어쓰기나 철자 하나하나가 다 맞은 답이다. 여러 가지 맞는 답안이 나오지만, ‘정확한 답’이 아닌 경우에는 오답 처리되는 것이다.

How to use the App ‘Socrative’ As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS

Socrative is an App (or you can use a Web browser) in which quizzes, tests and assessments can be easily created by educators and subsequently completed by students. What’s so great is that a…

  • Image source: edtech4beginners.com
  • Views: 63241
  • Publish date: 3 hours ago
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How To Use The App 'Socrative' As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – Edtech 4  Beginners
How To Use The App ‘Socrative’ As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – Edtech 4 Beginners

3) Choose a class name (I have a few different accounts for different subjects – I called this one MATHSISFUN). You will then be taken to the home page. Click on the small spanner symbol on the bar at the top of the screen to get to the tools page.

Socrative is an App (or you can use a Web browser) in which quizzes, tests and assessments can be easily created by educators and subsequently completed by students. What’s so great is that as a teacher, you get instant feedback and results.

The final thing I must mention is that you can import quizzes which other teachers have made. On the tools menu, just click ‘Import Quiz’ and put in the code (you can find these by Googling Socrative quizzes – there are also many on

Socrative and Showbie – Better Together – Socrative

As many of you know, Socrative joined the Showbie family this summer, creating a suite of classroom workflow and assessment tools. Since then, we’ve been hearing from lots of teachers who are happily using the two apps alongside one another in their classrooms. While we have plans for more formal product integration in the future,…

  • Image source: www.socrative.com
  • Views: 1555
  • Publish date: 1 hours ago
  • Downloads: 108728
  • Likes: 4321
  • Dislikes: 6
Socrative And Showbie - Better Together - Socrative
Socrative And Showbie – Better Together – Socrative

Let’s say you are teaching Language Arts (using Showbie, of course!) and want to gauge whether or not students understood what you taught in the previous class. You can create a quick quiz in Socrative, asking a few key questions to assess understanding, then share the Socrative Room Name (the name of the Socrative room in which you created the quiz) in your Language Arts Class Discussion in Showbie. When your students log into Socrative and enter that Socrative Room Name, they will instantly be granted access to your quiz.

Once the quiz is complete, it’s easy to generate reports in Socrative so you can see which topics students understood, and which topics you need to spend more time reviewing. Again, Class Discussion can be used to drill deeper into topics where students scored lower, and to review individual questions from your Socrative quiz. There are three types of reports that can be generated in Socrative:

If you belong to a Showbie Group whose members might find one of your Socrative quizzes useful for their classes, you can log into Socrative generate a quiz URL and post it into the Showbie Group. When your group members click this URL, voila — the quiz will show up in their list of quizzes, all ready for launching!

Socrative Teacher Review – EducationalAppStore

Socrative is an interactive web-based student-response system (also available through iOS, Android, or Chrome apps) that can help teachers spark conversation and learning through user-created polls and quizzes. With Socrative Teacher, educat…

  • Image source: www.educationalappstore.com
  • Views: 48387
  • Publish date: 5 minute ago
  • Downloads: 43372
  • Likes: 371
  • Dislikes: 1
Socrative Teacher Review - Educationalappstore
Socrative Teacher Review – Educationalappstore

Socrative is an interactive web-based student-response system (also available through iOS, Android, or Chrome apps) that can help teachers spark conversation and learning through user-created polls and quizzes. With Socrative Teacher, educators can create true/false and multiple choice quizzes. They can then visually check where their students are in terms of comprehension and information retention by issuing poll questions and exit tickets. All of the results are in real-time and the app automatically grades all quizzes.

Socrative is an amazing app to use to assess students in your classroom. The ease of use of Socrative makes it so teachers can gather data and assess their students by simply pressing a button. The teacher app lets you create and run quizzes, general feedback and games. The nice part about Socrative is that exporting the data is a breeze! Data can be exported in many different reports including full class and individual student and can be exported as excel or PDF!

, but it would be great if there was a way for students to submit questions to the teacher or class for consideration. Also, it can be time-consuming to create quality question sets. While the ability to share question sets is a nice workaround, an upload feature would add multiple benefits for time-starved teachers.

How to use the App ‘Socrative’ As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS

Socrative is an App (or you can use a Web browser) in which quizzes, tests and assessments can be easily created by educators and subsequently completed by students. What’s so great is that a…

  • Image source: edtech4beginners.com
  • Views: 106672
  • Publish date: 33 minute ago
  • Downloads: 77713
  • Likes: 8228
  • Dislikes: 4
How To Use The App 'Socrative' As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – Edtech 4  Beginners
How To Use The App ‘Socrative’ As A Fantastic Assessment Tool – Edtech 4 Beginners

3) Choose a class name (I have a few different accounts for different subjects – I called this one MATHSISFUN). You will then be taken to the home page. Click on the small spanner symbol on the bar at the top of the screen to get to the tools page.

Socrative is an App (or you can use a Web browser) in which quizzes, tests and assessments can be easily created by educators and subsequently completed by students. What’s so great is that as a teacher, you get instant feedback and results.

The final thing I must mention is that you can import quizzes which other teachers have made. On the tools menu, just click ‘Import Quiz’ and put in the code (you can find these by Googling Socrative quizzes – there are also many on

socrative | Socrative, Home decor decals, Decor

  • Image source: www.pinterest.com
  • Views: 105252
  • Publish date: 6 hours ago
  • Downloads: 74506
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  • Dislikes: 4
Socrative | Socrative, Home Decor Decals, Decor
Socrative | Socrative, Home Decor Decals, Decor

When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.

Uploaded to Pinterest

More information

Get into your students’ heads with Socrative! — Academic Technology – Florida State College at Jacksonville

The image above, taken from a series of French postcards published in 1899, posits a vision of an ideal twenty-first-century classroom, in which knowledge is literally transmitted into students’ heads via cables and a headset. It such a system, I assume, each student would receive the same packets o

  • Image source: at.fscj.edu
  • Views: 70891
  • Publish date: 15 hours ago
  • Downloads: 71603
  • Likes: 3287
  • Dislikes: 8
Get Into Your Students' Heads With Socrative! — Academic Technology -  Florida State College At Jacksonville
Get Into Your Students’ Heads With Socrative! — Academic Technology – Florida State College At Jacksonville

This free app can be downloaded in a student and teacher version for iOS and Android, and can also be used via the web. After signing up for an account, instructors can create short or long-form quizzes that students can access via the mobile app. While the initial purpose of Socrative is for formative assessment at the end of a lesson (it even has a “quick question” feature for on the fly assessment), it allows instructors to utilize a variety of question types, as well as embed related images, figures, and exhibits into questions, making it possible to use the tool for longer form assessments, as well. Once a quiz has been created within the mobile teacher app or the web-based app, it is stored within the interface for later use or re-use.

When the teacher is ready to launch the assessment, they are provided with a number of options that can facilitate classroom and assessment management, such as scrambling questions and distractors or utilizing a teacher-managed pace. Students are able to access the quiz via the Socrative student app by entering the classroom code, a constant letter/number combination that is generated when users sign up for the app. The image to the left provides an example of the launching menu within the teacher’s version of the mobile app.

Kahoot, Socrative, Quizziz: Online Quiz Games to Spice Up Instruction

Using classroom technology is easy with Kahoot, Socrative, and Quizziz: three online quiz games to spice up your instruction and engage learners.

  • Image source: lindsayannlearning.com
  • Views: 22259
  • Publish date: 41 minute ago
  • Downloads: 101042
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Kahoot, Socrative, Quizziz: Online Quiz Games To Spice Up Instruction
Kahoot, Socrative, Quizziz: Online Quiz Games To Spice Up Instruction

This app has a lot of different options, including the ever-popular “Space Race,” an individual or team quiz during which students can see and track visually who is in the lead. Multiple choice, short answer, true/false question types give you more flexibility than Kahoot.  You can also ask an on-the-fly question to get real-time feedback, use for an exit slip or “ticket in the door” (formative assessment quick wins!).  Like Kahoot, there are reports which you can download to assess student progress.  You can even download them to Google Drive with the click of a button.

Hi Karen! As far as I know, there is not an option for teacher-paced play with Quizziz, only student-paced in homework mode or in a live game. You can turn off the question jumble option so that students go through the questions at the same pace, and you can have the answers play for students when they’ve finished the game. 🙂

– Encourage students to compete against themselves, playing the game multiple times.  For those who are into progress monitoring, this could be a great way to track an increase in student performance by giving the quiz at the beginning/end of a unit.  Read more about this “Blind Kahooting” trend

비디오 소 크라 티브 [온라인필수도구4] 소크라티브 사용법 교수자+학생 화면! 실시간 온라인 퀴즈, 이걸로 하시죠!

  • Source: Youtube
  • Views: 13712
  • Date: 10 hours ago
  • Download: 47194
  • Likes: 7658
  • Dislikes: 2

주제에 대한 관련 정보 소 크라 티브

Bing에서 소 크라 티브 주제에 대한 최신 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.

소크라티브 학생용

Socrative Student

소크라티브 사용법

Socrative teacher

소크라티브 시험

Socrative 뜻



주제에 대한 기사 보기를 마쳤습니다 소 크라 티브. 이 기사가 유용했다면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.

소크라티브 학생용

Socrative Student

소크라티브 사용법

Socrative teacher

소크라티브 시험

Socrative 뜻



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