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삼성 갤럭시 s5 주제와 관련된 상위 86 이미지
주제 삼성 갤럭시 s5 와 관련된 11 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
원래 잠금 해제 삼성 갤럭시 S5 미니 G800F 4.5 인치 쿼드 코어 1.5 기가 바이트 RAM 16 기가 바이트 ROM 8MP 카메라 사용 휴대 전화|mobile phone|refurbished mobile phones4.5 inch – AliExpress
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Samsung 대한민국
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이는 제출하신 내용이 당사 내부적으로 개발한 제품, 기술, 서비스와 유사할 경우 발생할 수 있는 오해와 분쟁을 방지하고 나아가 여러분의 창의적인 아이디어를 적극 보호하기 위함입니다.
· 귀하의 소중한 한마디는 기업의 핵심기술 및 경영정보 보호는 물론 국내 산업의 경쟁력을 강화하고, 국가의 안전보장과 국민 경제의 발전에 이바지하는데 초석이 됩니다.
삼성전자 및 삼성전자 임직원은 당사가 공식적으로 요청하지 않았음에도 불구하고 여러분께서 일방적으로 당사에 제출하는 아이디어나 제안 등을 수령하거나 검토하지 않습니다.
- Image source: www.engadget.com
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Review: Samsung Galaxy S5
Sometime within the last couple of years, smartphones hit a wall. Make no mistake, they're still improving. But manufacturers are having to try a lot harder to make their phones stand out from the crowd. Can the latest flagship from the world's biggest smartphone-maker rise above the rest? Let…
- Image source: newatlas.com
- Views: 87114
- Publish date: 5 hours ago
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Even though Samsung saved some storage space by making some of those shooting modes downloadable, there are still lots of effects, filters, and modes waiting for you in the GS5. There’s a good HDR feature, and you can do things like smooth the appearance of portraits, shoot panoramas, add Instagram-like vintage effects (either while shooting or while editing afterwards), or capture high shutter-speed stills of fast-moving objects. When you’re editing a shot you’ve already taken, all the standard level adjustments are there, plus some portrait effects for shots where a face is detected.
Okay, so dimpled faux leather might sound chintzy. And maybe it is. But I think it is a step forward for the Galaxy S series. And what the pleather lacks in authenticity, it makes up for in comfort. Its slightly soft-touch finish feels great in hand. If you’re going to make a big phone like the GS5 (it has about 40 percent more surface area than the iPhone 5s), then it’s going to help if you can make it as comfortable as possible. Samsung hit the bullseye there. I think the GS5 feels much better in hand than its biggest rival on the Android side of the fence, the HTC One M8.
Ultra Power Saving Mode is the kind of genius feature that’s so simple it makes you wonder why nobody else thought of it before. I think it might also be the best evidence yet that Samsung can be an innovative company. As far as I know, this kind of feature wasn’t on any phones before Samsung put it in the GS5. HTC is now adding the same kind of feature to the One M8, but since Samsung’s version was announced a month earlier – and it wasn’t ready for the One M8 when it launched – I can only speculate that HTC copied Samsung here.
파일:Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini logo.svg – 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
- Image source: ko.m.wikipedia.org
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Logo of Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini}} {{de|1=Logo von Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini}} |Source =http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxys5mini/ |Author =Samsung |Date =2014-07-02 |Permission…
이 저작물에는 상표권에 의해 제약을 받을 수 있는 요소가 포함되어 있습니다. 이 저작물을 사용하기 전에, 사용하려는 목적이 상표권 법률상 문제가 없는지를 반드시 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. 상표권 침해에 대한 책임은 전적으로 이 저작물을 사용하는 사람에게 있습니다. 자세한 사항은
이 그림, 혹은 그림에 묘사된 문구는 매우 단순한 형태를 가지고 있습니다. 이 그림은 저작권 보호에 필요한 창작성을 발견할 수 없다고 판단되며, 따라서 퍼블릭 도메인으로 제공됩니다. 이 그림은 저작권의 제약에서는 자유롭지만,
Galaxy S5 Review: At Last, Samsung Decides That Less Is More | Time
This smartphone mostly skips gimmicks in favor of focusing on the basics. Good!
- Image source: time.com
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Samsung gave the Galaxy S5 a fast quad-core Qualcomm processor, but it also beefed up the battery compared to the dual-core S4; in my wholly unscientific tests, I was able to get through a day of fairly heavy use without entirely draining the charge. But I’m smitten with the new Ultra Power Saving Mode, which you can switch on in case of dire emergencies such as your battery gauge dipping below 10% when you’re attending a conference and won’t be able to top it up for hours. It forces the handset into a minimalist grayscale display mode, shuts off energy-hogging apps and frills like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and takes other extreme measures to eke every possible minute out of the power you’ve got left.
The news is much better when it comes to the phone’s 16-megapixel camera and its accompanying software. The Galaxy S4 tried to stand out from the photo-snapping crowd with oddball features such as the ability to overlay a front-facing selfie on top of the picture you’re taking and the ability to erase unwanted bystanders from your landscape shots. If those kinds of effects float your boat, don’t fret—they’re still there in the S5. But rather than adding even more trickery, Samsung focused on more straightforward enhancements that can make almost any sort of photo look better.
Though the Galaxy S experience has never been nicer than it is on this phone, there are nagging reminders that it’s under the joint custody of Samsung and Android’s creator, Google. For instance, it has two, count ‘em, two Siri-like voice assistants—Samsung’s S Voice and Google’s Google Now — each of which has useful capabilities that the other lacks. (S Voice handles practical commands such as “turn Wi-Fi off,” while Google Now is amazing for stuff like “Did the Red Sox win yesterday?”) One such feature that did it all would be so much better.
Review Samsung Galaxy S5 Smartphone – NotebookCheck.net Reviews
Comprehensive review of the Samsung Galaxy S5 (Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AC, Qualcomm Adreno 330, 5.1", 0.2 kg) with numerous measurements, benchmarks, and ratings
- Image source: www.notebookcheck.net
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, the 4K successor to Full-HD, which was introduced for TVs and other media devices. Because recording takes a lot of CPU power, some features – for example capturing stills while recording – are not available. Slow motion is only possible at 720p and low-light conditions cause rather noisy videos. Under normally bright conditions, the quality and the details are pretty amazing thanks to the high resolution. The autofocus works quickly and accurately as well. We’ve attached a video for your viewing pleasure.
, ranging from voice and swipe input to hand writing recognition. Frequently used words can be assigned to the number keys; the layout can accept the German Umlaute if so desired, and the delay time and other features are all adjustable. The function to “automatically replace” incorrect words we liked much less, as words we had typed correctly frequently were replaced with wrong ones the system was familiar with. At least it only takes a few steps to turn this function off.
also offered the same protection, but the feature is new this year for the high-end model of the Galaxy S series. Of course, this kind of resilience is a nice-to-have feature and makes the phone suitable for constructions sites and swimming pools. We found the frequent pop-up messages asking to make sure that the back cover and the cover for the USB port are attached a bit annoying – but of course, water or dust could get inside otherwise and damage the phone.
Review: Samsung Galaxy S5 | WIRED
Samsung's latest flagship phone has some great features. But it's all undermined by needless and confusing software.
- Image source: www.wired.com
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- Publish date: 11 hours ago
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There’s a consensus that’s been kicking around the tech press for a couple of years now that says smartphones have become kind of boring. I’ve bought into that. I think it’s both true, and also not necessarily a bad thing. Your TV is boring, and you probably love your TV. Sometimes, one handset will do something really interesting (the Moto X, which is always listening, always judging). But for the most part, phones are getting a little bit better with every iteration and that’s about it. That’s particularly true of flagship models, and it trickles down to the lower-end ones as well.
Across the bottom of the bezel there are three buttons that will be familiar to any Android user. One for home (which, blessedly, is a physical button), another for back, and a third for all apps. But wait. What’s this? The buttons for back and all apps are reversed from their normal positions in KitKat. Samsung told WIRED that this was because its button placement pre-dates Google’s, and that people have gotten used to the way it does things. Fair enough. But maybe they shouldn’t have to.
is the company’s new flagship Android handset. It’s spec-heavy, and feature-rich, with innovative additions like pulse tracking. It does just about everything an iPhone does–you can use your fingerprint to unlock it, for example. And it has some truly wonderful abilities–you can drop it in your toilet without ruining it. I dunked my review unit in a sink full of water and stared down into the pool at its glowing screen, shimmering up at me. It felt significant. But it’s not a great phone.
Samsung Launches Compact, Stylish Galaxy S5 mini Smartphone – Samsung Global Newsroom
Summary: • Samsung introduced the Galaxy S5 mini, a compact version of the Galaxy S5. • With the 4.5” Super AMOLED Display and Quad Core 1.4 GHz Processor,
- Image source: news.samsung.com
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Outfitted with a 4.5-inch HD Super AMOLED display, the Galaxy S5 mini delivers a wide and vivid viewing experience, and its compact size provides users with additional comfort, allowing for easy operation with only one hand. Like the Galaxy S5, the Galaxy S5 mini features a unique perforated pattern on the back cover creating a modern and sleek look, along with a premium, soft touch grip. The Galaxy S5 mini enables users to enjoy the same flagship experience as the Galaxy S5 with innovative features including IP67 certification, Ultra Power Saving Mode, a heart rate monitor, fingerprint scanner, and connectivity with the latest Samsung wearable devices.
The Galaxy S5 mini comes equipped with a powerful Quad Core 1.4 GHz processor and 1.5GM RAM for seamless multi-tasking, faster webpage loading, softer UI transition, and quick power up. The high-resolution 8MP camera delivers crisp and clear photos and videos, while the Galaxy S5 mini’s support of LTE Category 4 provides users with ultra-fast downloads of movies and games on-the-go.
“We always strive to develop devices that appeal to a range of consumer tastes and styles,” said JK Shin, CEO and Head of IT & Mobile Communication at Samsung Electronics. “The Galaxy S5 mini allows consumers to enjoy the iconic design and essential and useful features of the Galaxy S5 through a maximized minimalism approach.”
Samsung Galaxy S 5 Review
- Image source: www.anandtech.com
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- Publish date: 13 hours ago
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On the back, the phone has undergone some serious changes, although it’s still quite familiar. The speaker is still present, as is the camera bump with the flash module underneath. The heart rate sensor is also next to the flash, and the single speaker is on the back as well. What’s really interesting is that the texture is no longer glossy. The back has a grid pattern of indentations in it that help with gripping the phone, and there’s a noticeable texture that seems to resemble the same pattern that the Note 3 had, but there’s no stitching to suggest a faux-leather texture. Along the sides, the power button is on the right side, the volume rocker on the left. The IR transmitter continues to be in the same position that it was before, as is the 3.5mm headphone jack which is on the top right. The microUSB 3.0 port is on the bottom, covered by a flap that is supposed to protect against water immersion according to IP67 spec.
Samsung is now the undisputed king of the Android smartphone space. It was only a few years ago that the general public referred to every Android phone as a “Droid”. Now, it’s not uncommon for people to refer to every Android device as a “Galaxy”, and it speaks to the level of market penetration that Samsung has achieved with their Galaxy line-up. The Galaxy S series has been a sales hit, and with the initial impressions piece, it was said that the average consumer lives and dies by what’s familiar. Samsung continues to iterate with their Galaxy S line with consistent improvement and little, if no regression from generation to generation. This is where Samsung dominates, as the Galaxy S5 is clear evolution of the Galaxy S3 and S4, but made more mature.
Buy SAMSUNG Galaxy S5, Black 16GB (Verizon Wireless) Online at desertcart Grenada
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비디오 삼성 갤럭시 s5 [KR] Samsung Galaxy S5 간단 리뷰 (갤럭시 S5)
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주제에 대한 관련 정보 삼성 갤럭시 s5
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갤럭시 S5 안드로이드 11
주제에 대한 기사 보기를 마쳤습니다 삼성 갤럭시 s5. 이 기사가 유용했다면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.
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