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애니 레온 하트 주제와 관련된 상위 110 이미지

주제 애니 레온 하트 와 관련된 50 개의 이미지가 있습니다.

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애니레온하트 - Twitter Search / Twitter
애니레온하트 – Twitter Search / Twitter

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진격의 거인 공식일러 On Twitter:
진격의 거인 공식일러 On Twitter: “애니 레온하트 일러 타래로 Https://T.Co/4Pwgu6Dfkj” / Twitter

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애니 레온하트 On Twitter:
애니 레온하트 On Twitter: “애니 레온하트. 너희들이 원하는것 만큼 착하지도, 친절하지도, 재미있지도 않은 사람. 그래도 괜찮다면 흔적을 남겨. 직접 찾아갈테니까. #트친소 #애니_레온하트 Https://T.Co/Y1Qplwoz5V” / Twitter

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Annie Leonhart | Villains Wiki | Fandom

Annie Leonhart, also known as the Female Titan is a major antagonist in the anime/manga series Attack on Titan. She serves as a supporting protagonist in the early arcs of the series, while also secretly acting as an antagonist offscreen, until the Female Titan arc, where she serves as the main antagonist, appearing mostly disguised as the Female Titan, whose events are planned and assisted by Reiner Braun. She makes two major appearances as a flashback character in the Clash of the Titans arc a

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Annie Leonhart | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Annie Leonhart | Villains Wiki | Fandom

Like Bertolt, she obediently follows Reiner’s plans and ideas, first bringing the Titans to Wall Maria as well as doing Marcel’s work, spying on the nobility and the military, helping to kill Marco Bott, killing Sawney and Bean with Reiner, and finally attempting to capture Eren numerous times according to Reiner’s commands. Unlike Reiner, she doesn’t care about her mission, is openly hostile towards him and only desires to return to Marley and reunite with her father. However she also demonstrates anti-heroic qualities such as teaching Eren martial arts, saving Jean and Connie, befriending Marlowe and Hitch and developing romantic feelings for Armin.

Like all of the three Titan-Shifter moles, Annie acts as a foil and counterpart to one of the main characters. In her case, she is one to Mikasa; both are very skilled fighters who rarely show emotion and are very withdrawn, but Mikasa lives for Eren and Armin, while Annie shuts everybody out due to trust issues. Also, Mikasa is quite tall, has black hair and fights mainly on instinct, while Annie is short, has blond hair and relies on complex techniques. However, Annie and Mikasa are only similar when looking at their superficial aspects. In terms of character, personality, and reasoning, the two are nothing alike.

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6Boo Ar Twitter:
6Boo Ar Twitter: “이거 외케 웃기냐 엽애서 개난리가낫는대 자기밥그릇 야무지게 챙기는 애니레온하트씨가 뻘하게 기여워서 잇몸드러내고웃음 Https://T.Co/Nixoknemxd” / Twitter

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애니 레온하트/작중 행적 - 나무위키
애니 레온하트/작중 행적 – 나무위키

비디오 애니 레온 하트 애니의 파이 먹방ㅋㅋ – 진격의 거인 4기 2쿨 8화 하이라이트

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주제에 대한 관련 정보 애니 레온 하트

Bing에서 애니 레온 하트 주제에 대한 최신 정보를 볼 수 있습니다.

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애니 아르민

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애니 레온하트 반지

주제에 대한 기사 보기를 마쳤습니다 애니 레온 하트. 이 기사가 유용했다면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다.

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애니 레온하트 mbti

애니 아르민

애니 레온하트 아빠



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