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텀블러 검색 mlb 주제와 관련된 상위 143 이미지
주제 텀블러 검색 mlb 와 관련된 11 개의 이미지가 있습니다.
[이슈 컷] 글로벌 SNS ‘텀블러’가 앱스토어에서 사라진 이유는 | 연합뉴스(서울=연합뉴스) 전승엽 기자·이해원 인턴기자 = 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS) '텀블러'가 앱스토어에서 사라졌습니다. 아무리 검색해도 앱을 찾을 …
- Image source: www.yna.co.kr
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문제가 심각해지자 애플이 직접 칼을 뽑은 것입니다. 텀블러는 이번 사건에 대해 ‘모든 이용자에게 안전한 온라인 환경을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 아동착취와 음란물 게시물에 대해 무관용 정책을 펴고 있다. 자사 앱에 올라오는 게시물을 미국 실종학대아동센터(NCMEC)와 협력하여 감시하고 있다’라고 해명했습니다.
국내에서도 텀블러는 불법 음란물 유통의 온상으로 유명한데요. 공공연하게 불법 촬영물 거래가 이루어지고 지인 사진과 음란물 합성 의뢰를 받는 ‘지인 능욕 계정’이 있었죠. 지난해 방송통신위원회가 텀블러에 성매매 및 음란 콘텐츠 시정을 요구했지만, 텀블러는 미국 회사라는 명목으로 시정을 거부했는데요.
(서울=연합뉴스) 전승엽 기자·이해원 인턴기자 = 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS) ‘텀블러’가 앱스토어에서 사라졌습니다. 아무리 검색해도 앱을 찾을 수 없는데요. 앱이 행방불명되자 텀블러도 이를 몰랐는지 ‘문제를 해결하고 있다. 앱이 애플에 의해 지워진 것인지 확실치 않다’라고 밝혔습니다.
Tumblr Staff — Testing: Shorten long posts in your dash Hello. We…
- Image source: staff.tumblr.com
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Long posts can crowd your dashboard. Some of you find them so annoying that you filter out the tag #long post. This means you could be missing out on posts you might love that also happen to be tagged as #long post. This setting shortens posts to offer a content preview instead—with the option to unfurl the full post by clicking “Expand” on web, or opening the post in a new screen by tapping “View Post” on iOS and Android. Here is a preview of how your dashboard will now appear on web before expanding the full post.
We are testing out an optional setting to shorten long posts on the dashboard. We’re initially rolling this feature out to a smaller number of you on web and iOS starting today, March 28, with an Android release to follow soon. We realize this is a significant change to how you interact with your dash. So this will be an optional feature you can easily turn off anytime by visiting your dashboard settings and toggling “Shorten long posts” off.
With the fifth season well underway, no one is bored, and feelings are being felt. The uninitiated would be forgiven for thinking there are four people in a love square. They would also be wrong. The rest of you are learning some French, and love Marinette and Adrien dearly—in whatever combination they come. Here is some art for you to enjoy until the next nail-biting episode of
Tumblr Staff — Sharing is gifting Ad-Free Browsing—on mobile!
The wait is over. From today, you can gift Ad-Free Browsing to other users on mobile. If you love giving presents and know someone who doesn’t love ads on Tumblr and they have an Android or iPhone,…
- Image source: staff.tumblr.com
- Views: 58753
- Publish date: 10 hours ago
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With the fifth season well underway, no one is bored, and feelings are being felt. The uninitiated would be forgiven for thinking there are four people in a love square. They would also be wrong. The rest of you are learning some French, and love Marinette and Adrien dearly—in whatever combination they come. Here is some art for you to enjoy until the next nail-biting episode of
they have an Android or iPhone, this will be great news. You can gift an ad-free month to a special someone at $4.99 or a whole ad-free year at $39.99 (that’s 4 months for $0!). You can include a little note with your present, or even send it anonymously. So why not show them you love them—and tell them, if you like—with the gift of Ad-Free Browsing on Tumblr?
So here’s the deal. You can find the bells on web on your desktop by clicking “Click for bells.” You can look at them. You can jangle them. Heck, you can even play whole songs on ’em if you so please. They’ll be up for a short time only. If you clicked for bells and hate them, refresh your page, and it will be blissfully bell-free.
TechScape: Tumblr and why ‘the porn-friendly era of the internet is over’ | Technology | The Guardian
The microblogging site was known for its ‘go nuts, show nuts’ policy. Here’s how the App Store ended Tumblr’s glory days
- Image source: www.theguardian.com
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And users can’t simply reply to a post – you either reblog it (sharing it and your comment with friends), send a private message about it, or you send a semi-public “ask”, a reply that the recipient can then, if they want, publish, creating a whole new chain of conversation. Even the commercial model is odd: as well as targeted adverts, the site sells an “ad-free” experience (for $40 a year), offers a Patreon-style subscription services (called Post+), and recently launched Tumblr Blaze, a bizarre promoted-post service that lets users spend $10 to show their content to a completely untargeted selection of 2,500 users, and has been gleefully adopted by the community for a sort of esoteric trolling.
Over the years, some of the largest social networks have filed those quirks off, pushing for a homogeneity that is more accessible to all, even at the expense of what makes them unique. Twitter’s strict text-only, reverse-chronological, 140-character timeline is now algorithmically curated, offering 280 characters plus a range of multimedia; Instagram posts can be reshared in Snapchat-style stories, which can also contain TikTok-style videos; TikTok pivoted towards political content and now plays a leading role in the culture wars.
he quirks and oddities of a social network affect the community that grows up around it. Instagram’s lack of a repost feature pushed users to rely on hashtags to spread their pictures across the network, sowing the seeds of the heavily interest-based communities that still live there today. The anonymity offered by 4chan lead, perversely, to a uniformity of tone, as users conform to the zeitgeist of the site, unable to build a name for themselves as an individual.
MLB in talks to launch nationwide streaming service for home games
Major League Baseball is in talks to launch a nationwide video-streaming service that would enable fans to watch their teams’ hometown games without a cable-TV subscription, The Post has lear…
- Image source: nypost.com
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As for the teams, MLB’s streaming service would pay them based on viewership in their local markets. One MLB owner said the league has kept its owners appraised, and believes it has general support though no vote has been taken. Indeed, the MLB and team owners are concerned over dire forecasts for viewership. Roughly half of Americans will not be watching cable or satellite TV within a few years, according to Pew Research Center annual surveys.
could end up offering cable-TV giants a piece of the streaming revenue to compensate for potential subscriber losses. Manfred’s pitch is that cable TV won’t lose many subscribers, as MLB is mainly targeting younger customers who have already cut the cord, sources said. The cable companies don’t have streaming rights but could retaliate by paying less to broadcast games if they don’t like the bargain, sources said.
While the MLB wants to give fans the option to sidestep pricey cable packages, local games will still be broadcast on cable as they are now and the broadcasts would be identical, according to people familiar with the plans. The league’s MLB.TV service, which offers out-of-market games for a subscription fee, will also continue to operate, sources said.
- Image source: www.homedepot.com
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MLB reportedly in talks with Barstool for package – Sports Media Watch
The package of midweek Major League Baseball games ceded by ESPN could end up at a most unlikely destination — Barstool Sports.
- Image source: www.sportsmediawatch.com
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This is embarrassing for MLB. They are about to be more irrelevant than the NHL and I didn’t think that was possible. Even the NHL has a better deal with both ESPN/ABC and Turner to have all of its games airing on traditional TV. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be for MLB to stoop as low as to put games on Barstool of all places. I don’t even watch sports events when they are on streaming platforms like Peacock let alone on a site I’ve never once been to. How far has baseball fallen in the last decade?
Barstool, which launched in 2004, has cultivated a fanbase consisting of the young male audience that sports leagues — particularly older-skewing MLB — desperately crave. It has also generated considerable backlash over its content, particularly as it pertains to race and gender. In 2017, ESPN began airing a Barstool branded late night show that lasted one episode before it was scuttled by internal opposition. The site was also the subject of an at-times unflattering profile on HBO’s “Real Sports” in 2019.
Barstool would be the first media organization of its kind to reach a rights deal with a major sports league. Bleacher Report — which like Barstool originated as a sports blog — now has its branding on WarnerMedia’s live streaming service B/R Live, which hosts properties such as NBA League Pass.
Framber Valdez’s dominance | 11/05/2022 | MLB.com
The MLB Tonight crew breaks down Framber Valdez's dominance in the postseason and what has led to his success
- Image source: www.mlb.com
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The MLB Tonight crew breaks down Framber Valdez’s dominance in the postseason and what has led to his success
November 5, 2022 | 00:01:49
Framber Valdez’s dominance
- Image source: www.wsj.com
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Juan Soto Batting Breakdown | 10/08/2022 | MLB.com
Harold Reynolds breaks down Juan Soto's batting approach after Game 1 of the NL Wild Card against the Mets on MLB Tonight
- Image source: www.mlb.com
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Harold Reynolds breaks down Juan Soto’s batting approach after Game 1 of the NL Wild Card against the Mets on MLB Tonight
Juan Soto Batting Breakdown
October 8, 2022 | 00:02:10
MLB, MLS, NBA, NFL, NHL, UFC, WNBA, WWE and athletes score big for #SpiritDay | GLAAD
Who's got spirit for Spirit Day? MLB, MLS, NBA, WNBA, NFL, NHL, UFC, and WWE, that's who.
- Image source: www.glaad.org
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These athletic ambassadors are trailblazers in sports arena and in the LGBT community. Jason, who recently tweeted about Spirit Day, came out as the first openly gay active male professional athlete in an article for Sports Illustrated this year. Kye, advocate and mentor, is the first openly trans college athlete in the history of NCAA Division I. Brittney has a list of accomplishments in her basketball career that’s about as long as she is tall. Dedicated to raising awareness about the LGBT community, she is the first openly gay athlete to sign with Nike. WWE superstar Darren was the first in his league to come out as gay. They are joined by tons more
“By coming together to support LGBT youth, North American sports leagues are sending a clear message to fans everywhere: homophobia has no place in the game,” said GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz. “Whether on the field, in the locker room, or cheering from the stands – it’s clear that LGBT people are essential to the sports community.”
“The You Can Play Project proudly recognizes Spirit Day as a time for everyone to stand in solidarity with LGBT youth to fight against bullying and other forms of discrimination and to celebrate their courage and strength,” said Wade Davis, Executive Director of the You Can Play Project and an openly gay, former NFL player.
- Image source: www.ebay.com
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Notes – Delivery *Estimated delivery dates include seller’s handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.
include seller’s handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.
include seller’s handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of
MLB Rules Changes for 2023: Pitch Timer, Defensive Shift Limits and Bigger Bases – OnFocus
Major League Baseball has announced three rules changes for the 2023 season that will impact the game address pace of play as well as bring some excitement back to the game. PITCH TIMER In an effort to create a quicker pace of play, there will be a 30-second timer between batters. Between pitches, there will […]
- Image source: www.onfocus.news
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In an effort to create a quicker pace of play, there will be a 30-second timer between batters. Between pitches, there will be a 15-second timer with the bases empty and a 20-second timer with runners on base. At last check, the pitch timer had reduced the average time of game in MiLB by about 26 minutes. This rule, which includes limits on throws to first base, has also increased stolen-base attempts. With this rule in place in the Minors this season, steal attempts per game have increased from 2.23 in 2019, at a 68% success rate, to 2.83 in 2022, at a 77% success rate.
The defensive team must have a minimum of four players on the infield, with at least two infielders completely on either side of second base. These restrictions are intended to increase the batting average on balls in play, to allow infielders to better showcase their athleticism and to restore more traditional outcomes on batted balls. As of this writing, the league-wide batting average on balls in play of .291 in 2022 is six points lower than in 2012 and 10 points lower than in 2006.
We feature athletes and difference makers from the past, standouts in sports who excelled over the years and have moved on. Know of a former athlete, coach or difference maker who we should feature? Know of a former standout competitor whose journey beyond central Wisconsin sports is one we should share? Send us information on athletes and difference makers of the past with our simple form
MLB Gives International Rights to Teams In Process Similar to NFL – Sportico.com
Major League Baseball is dividing up international markets among its franchises, giving teams new commercial rights in specific areas around the globe, according to multiple people familiar with th…
- Image source: www.sportico.com
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Under prior league rules, MLB centrally controlled international business opportunities. Every team has its own exclusive commercial footprint—which varies in size by team—but were heavily restricted in commercial deals outside that home area. A team could be sponsored by a Dominican company inside its local market, but couldn’t open a team store or hold fan events in the Dominican Republic.
26 different foreign markets to a group of 18 participating teams. Nine clubs were given rights in Mexico, six in the U.K. and four in Germany. Revenue generated by those teams in those markets will be shared across the league, but at a lower percentage than ticket revenue—the original planned called for 20% of gross revenue over $1 million, starting in the program’s third year.
The plan is designed to help MLB capitalize on the global popularity of baseball, while utilizing the resources, manpower and brand strength of individual teams. Some franchises have more resources than others, and some teams may have more relevance in specific markets by virtue of geography or roster make-up. The
국내도서/외국도서/직배송 5만원 이상 구매 시, eBook/크레마 3만원 이상 구매 시 선착순 증정(포인트 차감)
- Image source: m.yes24.com
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국내도서/외국도서/직배송 중고도서 5만원 이상 구매 시 홀로그램 유리컵 윤동주/ 핑크, 스텐 콜드컵 윤동주/ 모비딕, 원터치 텀블러 고흐/시다네르, 아이스박스 세트, 스폰지밥 선풍기, 스폰지밥 키링, 무드등 겸용 탁상용 선풍기, 러브둥둥 네티백, 보냉 파우치백, 마블 반바지, 앤 반팔 티셔츠 중 택1 증정 (포인트 차감, 한정수량)
사은품 선택 시 이번 주문으로 발생할 예상 YES포인트에서 우선 차감됩니다. 예상 YES포인트로 부족한 금액은 기존에 보유한 YES포인트로 차감되며, 차감 포인트 부족 시 추가 결제가 가능합니다.
ㄴ추가사은품 증정 (8/3 14시 부터~): 아이스박스 세트, 스폰지밥 선풍기, 스폰지밥 키링, 무드등 겸용 탁상용 선풍기, 러브둥둥 네티백, 보냉 파우치백, 마블 반바지, 앤 반팔 티셔츠
Aaron Judge’s 2022 season is modern baseball at its absolute finest – Pinstripe Alley
Aaron Judge’s 2022 campaign embodies everything that is great about modern baseball.
- Image source: www.pinstripealley.com
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But then there’s Judge, who has found a way to translate his game of high strikeouts — when Saturday began, he found himself 21st in the majors with a 25.5 percent strikeout rate — physics-defying strength, and a preternatural ability to work a walk into spectacle. Since the middle of April, every Aaron Judge at-bat has been must-see television, even when the Yankees were beating up on their opponents at a historic rate or, later, when they found themselves collapsing at a historic rate. It’s become commonplace to wait with bated breath for Judge’s spot in the lineup to come up, no matter the game situation, and you can almost feel a palpable energy through the television when his 6-foot-7, 282-pound frame steps up to the plate, as if something magical is guaranteed to happen.
Entering the final stretch of what has been a remarkable season, Judge finds himself in prime position to be discussed amongst the most dominating seasons of all-time when all is said and done. Here are some of the statistics* that make that statement true: his 55 home runs lead the entire league, with Kyle Schwarber’s 37 a distant second place; his 120 runs batted in also lead the entire league, with Paul Goldschmidt, a likely MVP in his own right, 11 behind; his .410 on-base percentage trails Goldschmidt’s by a margin of just a single point for the league lead; and his .683 slugging percentage is 76 points higher than the next highest in the league. And that’s not even mentioning the advance stats, where he is well on his way to a 204 wRC+ season that would put him in
I’m way over my word count, unfortunately, but I want to return to Wallace’s words just once more. Genius of Aaron Judge’s caliber is simply not replicable. He has turned himself into a one-of-one talent, a one-man wrecking crew capable of feats I didn’t think that I would ever see again in my lifetime, who knows the game on such an intricate level that his utter domination of it becomes so much more than simple entertainment. To watch Aaron Judge step up to the plate in 2022 is to see, up close, the game of baseball reconciling with itself and, in turn, the best player in the game re-define our experience of it.
Ken Rosenthal on the Yankees’ Offseason and Remaining MLB Free Agents – The Ringer
CC and Ryan discuss the Yankees’ post-lockout moves and wonder whether there are any free agents—like Max Scherzer or Carlos Correa—that New York will regret not signing
- Image source: www.theringer.com
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’s Ken Rosenthal to discuss whether either of those guys were available to the Yankees, which teams he thinks are underrated right now, what trades are on his radar during the season, and more (20:00).
CC and Ryan discuss the Yankees’ post-lockout moves and wonder if there are any free agents—like Max Scherzer or Carlos Correa—that they’ll regret not signing (1:00). Then, they bring on
CC and Ryan discuss the Yankees’ post-lockout moves and wonder whether there are any free agents—like Max Scherzer or Carlos Correa—that New York will regret not signing
Tumblr Staff — Tag! You’re it…
- Image source: staff.tumblr.com
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With the fifth season well underway, no one is bored, and feelings are being felt. The uninitiated would be forgiven for thinking there are four people in a love square. They would also be wrong. The rest of you are learning some French, and love Marinette and Adrien dearly—in whatever combination they come. Here is some art for you to enjoy until the next nail-biting episode of
So here’s the deal. You can find the bells on web on your desktop by clicking “Click for bells.” You can look at them. You can jangle them. Heck, you can even play whole songs on ’em if you so please. They’ll be up for a short time only. If you clicked for bells and hate them, refresh your page, and it will be blissfully bell-free.
Listen up, friends. You may have noticed that some little elves here at Tumblr HQ have decorated your dashboard with enchanted bells. We told them not to, but elves are notoriously single-minded. (You might even say jingle-minded if you were so inclined, which we most certainly are not.)
MLB Lockout Legal Ramifications Labor Law CBA Antitrust Curt Flood Act – Sportico.com
As of 12:00 am ET Thursday, Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association are operating without a collective bargaining agreement—a legal contract that sets out policies o…
- Image source: www.sportico.com
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First, a lockout wasn’t necessary. Under the labor law principle of status quo, the terms of an expired CBA continue in effect until there is a new agreement or an impasse in negotiations. There are even some examples of this in pro sports. The CBA between the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team and U.S. Soccer, for example, expired a few years ago. However, the two sides have continued to operate as normal while negotiating a new agreement. If MLB believed negotiations were advancing, it could have punted on a lockout. Manfred’s letter indicated that negotiations are not close to a deal.
an injunction from a notable federal judge: future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She compelled MLB to reinstate an expired CBA since the two sides were still negotiating. That labor dispute featured aspects unlikely to surface in 2021. MLB had, without MLBPA’s consent, imposed and then withdrawn a salary cap. The league also relied on replacement players during spring training in 1995. Those types of aggressive moves seem unlikely, especially since they proved counterproductive.
in relevant ways by the Curt Flood Act of 1998. “MLB players,” the Act explicitly clarified, “are covered under the antitrust laws [and] have the same rights under the antitrust laws as do other professional athletes.” MLB’s antitrust exemption remains in place for umpire-league matters, minor league baseball, the amateur draft, licensing of intellectual property, ownership sales and franchise relocation, but it does not apply for matters of MLB players’ compensation.
Hoy Park – Wikipedia
- Image source: en.wikipedia.org
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, posting a cumulative .251/.348/.359 slash line with career-highs in home runs (7) and RBIs (39). Park returned to Tampa for the 2018 season, hitting .258/.387/.349 with 6 home runs and 34 RBIs in 103 games. In 2019, Park played with the
“Yankees, Red Sox lineups Friday | Trey Amburgey, Chris Gittens in; Luke Voit on IL; Greg Allen, Hoy Park, Rob Brantly recalled (7/16/21)”
On July 15, 2021, Park was added to the Yankees’ taxi squad following a COVID-19 outbreak in the major-league club.
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